WILDTRUST (registered as the Wildlands Conservation Trust - IT No.4329/1991/PMB) is a South African Non-Profit, Non-Government and Public Welfare Organisation, established in 2004 through the merger of two regional Trusts. It pursues the realisation of its vision of "A Thriving and Resilient World" through two core programmes: WILDLANDS and WILDOCEANS.
WILDLANDS focuses on protecting and restoring terrestrial biodiversity and wildlife, empowering and uplifting communities, while WILDOCEANS protects and restores marine and coastal biodiversity while building resilience for coastal communities.
Both programmes aim to enhance sustainability and impact through future leader development, science and knowledge generation, support to decision-makers and management authorities, community development and livelihoods support, awareness and communication, and advocacy and campaigning.
WILDTRUST respects the inter-connectedness of all things and is working to bring humankind and nature back into balance by reducing the impact of humanity, while providing opportunities for people and nature to thrive.
WILDTRUST reconnects, regenerates, restores, and empowers people and planet.

We are
We work for the WILD places, the open spaces, on land and sea,
the green and blue places, oases among our sprawling cities
We work for the resilience of species, restoring and regenerating the ecosystems so that they can thrive.
We work for the upliftment of people and communities, empowering
livelihoods that provide dignity and a future for families.
We respect the inter-connectedness of all things.
We are The WILD
Bringing humankind and nature back into balance,
reducing the impacts of humanity, while providing opportunities for people.
We connect, we regenerate, we restore, we empower,
People and Planet.
Thriving and Resilient.
Now. Tomorrow. Forever.
We are The WILD