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Donate up to 10% of Your taxable earnings to WILDTRUST and do Your bit to save Our Environment

As we approach the tax year end, we call on all our friends, fans and family of the WILDTRUST to do your bit and donate to help us create a Thriving and Resilient World. Through our WILDLANDS and WILDOCEANS programmes you can make a difference in the lives of our local communities and the threatened species that we support, both on land and in the ocean. You can support our ongoing operations to conserve, protect, restore and empower, people and planet.

WILDTRUST (registered as the Wildlands Conservation Trust – IT No: 4329/1991/PMB) is a South African Non-Profit (NPO: 004-949), and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO: 130001485) registered in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

WILDTRUST is a Level 3 organisation in terms of the B-BBEE Codes which essentially means you or your company can donate up to 10% of your Net Profit after Tax (NPAT) to receive:

• Socio-Economic Development (SED) points on your scorecard

• The maximum SED scorecard points for your donation

• Your donation qualifies you for a Section 18A tax certificate that you can claim when submitting your tax return.

• Enterprise Development points on your scorecard directed to WILDENTERPRISE (Pty) Ltd.

To make your donation, click for the payment option of your choice or use the banking details below. Then send your payment confirmation to with your required details on the S18A certificate or ED confirmation letter.

Banking details:

Wildlands Conservation Trust

Investec Bank

Account number: 1001 101 4125

Branch code: 580105


Reference: Your name/company & S18A (for SED) OR Your name/Company & EntDev (for ED)

For more info on our WILD work visit or call 033 343 6380

Support the WILDTRUST and play your role in building a thriving and resilient world!


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